首頁 / 德國 VOLKMANN 真空微粉粒補集輸送機 / 真空微粉粒補集輸送器


  • 固/氣體分離用
  • 特殊材質,可水洗.烘乾





經 濟
  使 用 方 便
成 本 低
VOLKMANN 的真空產生器體積小、吸力大,可靈活安裝於各種設備,提昇真空效率避免真空管道的任何洩漏。
  產 品 可 靠
VOLKMANN 的真空產生器沒有任何需要換修的移動部件,可穩定的供給真空源並降低設備停機的機率。
  • dust-free and gentle material handling small sizes
  • Safe material transport and transfer inside explosion zones
  • minimum of residual material inside the conveyor
  • easy disassembling and cleaning of the conveyors
  • optional Inerting function
  • Powder lock operation to load materials into reactors under a different pressure level
  • Material discharging out of loading funnels, Big-Bags, IBCs, Silos, drums, bags, driers, granulators, Coaters etc.
  • Feeding of materials into reactors, mixers, mills, filling and packaging machines, blenders/sieves, Big-Bags, weighing hoppers, dosing stations, tablet presses, IBCs ...
  • suction directly through in-line mills
  • dustfree conveying and feeding of all different powders, pellets, prills, flakes etc.
  • Safe handling of toxic and hazardous materials
  • Safe transportation of active ingredients
  • gap-free and all-accessable design of the conveyor
  • smooth surfaces, electro-polished or mirror polished
  • dust-free and gentle material handling
  • high-standard filters for pharma applications
  • HEPA filters available
  • safe for operation with ignitable materials and for the use inside explosion zones (e.g. to load reactors with alcohol atmospheres inside)
  • minimum of residual material inside the conveyor
  • easy disassembling and cleaning of the conveyors
  • optional Inerting function
  • Powder locks to load materials into reactors under a different pressure level
  • manual or automatic suction processes
  • lightweight and mobile systems available
  • Chemically high resitant materials (316L, 316Ti, 1.4404, 1.4435, 1.4571, Glass, Hastelloy , ETFE-coatings with FDA etc.)
  • FDA-approved materials, optional with all necessary 3.1B material certificates
  • Containment Systems available
  • Material discharging out of loading funnels, Big-Bags, IBCs, Silos, drums, bags, driers, granulators, Tablet presses, Coaters etc.
  • Feeding of materials into reactors, mixers, mills, filling and packaging machines, blenders/sieves, Big-Bags, weighing hoppers, dosing stations, IBCs ...
  • suction directly through in-line mills
  • dustfree conveying and feeding of all different powders, pellets, prills, flakes etc.
  • Safe handling of toxic and hazardous materials
  • Safe transportation of active ingredients
  • Safe material transport and transfer inside explosion zones
  • dust-free and gentle material handling
  • gap-free and all-accessable design of the conveyor
  • smooth surfaces, electro-polished or mirror polished
  • glass conveyors for sensitive tablets
  • high-standard filters for pharma applications
  • HEPA filters available
  • small sizes
  • minimum of residual material inside the conveyor
  • easy disassembling and cleaning of the conveyors
  • manual or automatic suction processes
  • Chemically high resitant materials (316L, 316Ti, 1.4404, 1.4435, 1.4571, Glass, Hastelloy, Teflon-coatings etc.)
  • FDA-approved materials, optional with all necessary 3.1B material certificates
  • Containment Systems available
Typical Applications
  • Material discharging out of loading funnels, Big-Bags, IBCs, drums, bags, driers, granulators, Tablet presses, Coaters etc.
  • Feeding of materials into tablet presses, capsule filling machines, Blister-packaging machines, other filling and packaging machines, mixers, blenders/sieves, Big-Bags, weighing hoppers, dosing stations, IBCs ...
  • suction directly through in-line mills
  • dustfree conveying and feeding of all different powders, pellets, prills, flakes etc.
  • Safe handling of toxic and hazardous materials
  • Safe transportation of active ingredients
  • dust-free and gentle material handling
  • gap-free and all-accessable design of the conveyor
  • easy disassembling and cleaning of the conveyors
  • smooth surfaces, electro-polished or mirror polished
  • different high-standard filters
  • small sizes
  • safe for operation with ignitable materials and for the use inside explosion zones
  • minimum of residual material inside the conveyor
  • WIP- / CIP-conveyors upon request
  • Inerting function optional
  • manual or automatic suction processes
  • easily connected to various bag-unloading stations
  • material can be conveyed and measured/dosed with one unit
  • lightweight and mobile systems available
  • FDA-approved materials, optional with all necessary 3.1B material certificates
  • works also with substances like mushrooms (transportation in water to prevent oxidization), alcoholized cherries, cream-fat powder, chicken-wings, roasted peanuts ...
Typical Applications
  • Material discharging out of loading funnels, Big-Bags, IBCs, drums, bags, driers, granulators, Tablet presses, Coaters, Moulds, sheets etc.
  • Feeding of materials into mixers, reactors, mills, filling and packaging machines, coaters, blenders/sieves, Big-Bags, weighing hoppers, dosing stations, IBCs ...
  • dustfree conveying and feeding of all different powders, pellets, prills, flakes, spices, herbs etc.
  • Safe handling of aggressive substances




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